Thursday, March 29, 2012

Riot Repercussions

Read these stories about the Vancouver Stanley Cup riots from 2011:

Story #1          Story #2          Story #3

Talk about the following questions with a partner:

1) Is the mayor of Vancouver right to regulate the way citizens can celebrate during the Stanley Cup playoffs this year? Why or why not?

2) Why do you think Vancouverites rioted after the Canucks lost last year? Have you ever been in a situation where you got carried away in a crowd?

3) Do you think it's OK for authorities to use websites like Facebook and Twitter to hunt down criminals? Why or why not?

Each partner should post a comment summarizing your discussion.


  1. My opinion is, that they should make ghost game, without visitors and without any public viewings. If somebody want to see the game, they can do this only at home on tv. Otherweise there's no way to stop the riot's.

  2. Hello . I was extremely suprised when that happened . Anyway I agree with Remo's opinion good idea ,but it's difficult to apply in the community . I believe in that , people who did that learned from last year ,so we will wait and see !!
    Thank you so much .
